Who We Serve
The people who are served by your generosity include: Operation Chillout (Veterans Experiencing Homelessness) and through the kindness of Our Lady of Peace Church, the sandwiches are shared with
Saint John’s Soup Kitchen in Newark
The Salvation Army in Plainfield
Summit Helping its People in Summit
Saint Joseph Social Service Center in Elizabeth.
This ministry has grown a great deal in the past year enabling us, with your support, to provide over 7000 sandwiches! We plan to surpass this donation for 2024 and are always grateful for additional sandwich makers, perhaps you can share this with family and friends to encourage others to support this mission, or even have a sandwich making get together.
Let's Make a Difference!
We would love for you or your group to participate with us! Please contact Sister Maryanne Tracey, SC, at mtracey@scnj.org / 973.290.5382 or Shannon Hoffman at shoffman@scnj.org / 973.290.5336 to get started.

Sister Maryanne Tracey, SC
Co-Director, Office of Vocation
and Mission Engagement
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
P.O. Box 476 Convent Station, NJ
973-290-5382 Fax: 973-290-5337
Shannon Hoffman
Co-Director, Office of Vocation
and Mission Engagement
Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth
P.O. Box 476 Convent Station, NJ
973-290-5336 Fax: 973-290-5337