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Maris Stella Retreat & Conference Center

Harvey Cedars, New Jersey

MARIS STELLA offers an atmosphere of prayer and quiet, where retreatants and visitors can enjoy the beauty and serenity of the location, whether praying in the chapel, walking or sitting quietly by the Bay or Ocean.

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Mission Statement

Maris Stella, a ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, is a center that provides a ministry of hospitality, offering space and nourishment to individuals and groups seeking physical, psychological and spiritual enrichment.

Located on the Atlantic Ocean and Barnegat Bay, it is a rich resource for study and reflection on the sacredness of creation.

For information regarding retreats, programs, accommodations, Mass times, or general information, please follow this link

Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth NE

Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth | P.O. BOX 476 | Convent Station, NJ  07961-0476

 973-290-5000  |

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